Telegram Trading Bot

Trading Bot Functions

Trading Bot Functions

Learn how you can navigate Kage Bot like a pro!


On first initialization, the bot will generate a INJ compatible wallet for you.

Do save this address/ whitelist it on your preferred wallet (Keplr, Leap, Metamask) to ensure that you do not accidentally send your funds to a different address. We will not be able to recover your funds if this happens.


/Buy 💵

Enter any token symbol / pool address/ contract address.

Pro Tip: You can simply paste in the token symbol/pool address/ contract address at any time without calling the buy function. This works for forwarded messages as well!

/Wallet 💼

View your wallet information - balance in INJ

/Refresh 🔂

/Referrals 🤝🏻




If you have any problems setting up the bot, please contact any of the team members on our community chats.

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